7 routes to visit Blaj
140 one-minute videos, daily on Facebook, described Blaj, its history, its people and its daily life, prior to Pope Francis' visit ito this little gem of Transylvania, on 2nd of June 2019. Now, these videos make up seven routes to visit the city, with 20 shortfilms, and are also joined in seven documentaries, that present Blaj from seven different angles and were aired on TVR, in June 2022.
Watch them online or walk the city and discover it in an unexpected way. Maps below!
Blajminute - Monday, in the footsteps of my mother
Monday, in the footsteps of my mother
My mother, Ileana Berlogea, studied in Blaj prior to 1948, when the totalitarian state banned the Greek-catholic church, united to Rome, and closed its library and its schools. My mother never said anything about this past during the communist regime. But all her life had been actually shaped by the school of Blaj, the passion for literature, theatre and European culture promoted here.
Blajminute - on Tuesdays, we go to school
Each Tuesday, young students from Blaj shared their experience at school. Some proposed their own one minute videos, such as Patricia Sas and Daria Gizdavu, now students at the Faculty of Television and Film, UBB, Cluj.
Blajminute - On Tuesdays, we go to school
Blajminute - On Tuesdays, we go to school
Lecția de jurnalism
Teatrul la școală
Blajminute - On Wednesday,
we discover the city
Each Wednesday, we went through the city, meeting people and presenting the daily life, from the market place to the modern hospital, from the well-known feminine Volleyball team to the last city mill who was replaced by a small chapel for the Roma community.
Blajminute - On Wednesday, we visit the city
Blajminute on Google maps
Click on the link inside the map to open it. You'll discover each location and its video.
There are seven routes with 20 stops to discover Blaj, the city, its people, its history, its daily life.
Blajminute - On Thursday, we revisit history
In an entertaining manner, together with Veronica Isailă, a student in Latin and English at the University of Cluj. and other young students from Blaj, we revisited the Museum of History, with its first printing machine, and other historical places of Blaj. Join us!
Blajminute - On Thursday, we revisit the history
Blajminute - On Thursday, we revisit the history
Blajminute: Biblia de la Blaj
Licean... odinioară
Remember Timotei Cipariu
Un stejar crește în suflet
Blajminute - On Friday,
we meet the people
Each Friday, we meet someone special.
Blajminute - on Saturday, we go on a trip
Each Saturday, we went on a trip. First, in the immediate surroundings. Then, to the closest city to Blaj, on a cultural and spiritual level: Rome. In fact, Blaj is known as Little Rome for a reason. And for one Sunday in 2019, in really became the center of the catholic world, when Pope Francis celebrated Mass on the Liberty Field.
Blajminute - On Saturday, we go on a trip
Blajminute: cu masina
Blajminute: cu masina
Blajminute: Baschet
Blajminute: Cu Astru în Alba Iulia
Blajminute - On Sunday, we learn to know the bishops of Blaj
On Sunday, we meet the bishops of Blaj
Blaj is the heart of the Greek-catholic Church united to Rome. Also called Little Rome, its existence is deelply linked to that of this Romanian Church, banned for more than 40 years. Each Sunday, we meet the seven bishops of today, and the ones who lead the people of God during the times of persecution. Pope Francis visit to Blaj was scheduled for the 2nd of June 2019 and he came here to proclaim as martyrs seven of the Greek-catholic bishops that died in prison during the totalitarian regime, between 1950 and 1970. Find out each of their stories in 1 minute.