Site-specific, immersive theatre and gamification
From her graduation project in 1994 ongoing, Anca Berlogea has focused on site-specific and site-oriented projects, encompassing a tour on the way to Compostela with a performance based on the Gospel of John, co-directed with her professor, Dragos Galgotiu, in 2003.
While living in Blaj for five years, from 2015-2020, she involved more and more young people, reviving history and historical places through site-specific performances. This experiecne opened also new ways of perceiving theatre, including gamification. More on this below, on, a treasure hunt game in the surroundings of Blaj, in the footsteps of well-known writers of the region, who marked the history of Romanian language and politics. Theatrical improvisation games were part of the challenges, devised with students in 2020.
Two Strindberg projects are now in progress, one being "Easter - testimonies from the present", as an immersive site-oriented performance, and eventually also as a video-art installation.
Confronting history through site-specific
and site-oriented theatre.

Journey through the Great War (2)
Documentary theatre (2017)
Labyrinth Theatre (2016)

Journey through the Great War (1)
2017: Journey through the Great War - documentary theatre based on journals, memoires and letters from WWI
A creative learning project for highschool students
from I.M.Clain National College
and The Greek-catholic Highschool, Blaj
with Ioana Bogdan, Sonia Moșneag, Alexandru Maier, Cristi Benchea, Alin Floca, Ovidiu Cătălin Oltean, Sebastian Popescu, Daria Gizdavu, Daria Stoican, Patricia Sas, Miruna Rotaru (students)
and actors Florin Kevorkian, Alexandra Anușcă
and Constantin Cojocaru
music Francesco Agnello
project manager & director Ana Boariu
a SIGNIS Romania production with the support of
AFCN - Administrația Fondului Cultural Național,
Renovabis Foundation and the Cityhall of Blaj
2016: Journey through the Great War - a labyrinth theatre proposal for one spectator at a time.
A creative learning project for highschool students.
Going through nine different spaces, each spectator was experiencing moments of WW1, as lived by the students of the highschool of Blaj.
With the participation of actors Constantin Cojocaru
and Florin Kevorkian.
project manager & director: Ana Boariu
a SIGNIS Romania production
in collaboration with the Greek-Catholic Highschool of Blaj
with the support of Primavera Association

Documentary theatre project devised with highschool students, based on newspaper articles, personal family memories and archive letters.

Documentary theatre project devised with highschool students, based on newspaper articles, personal family memories and archive letters.

Documentary theatre project devised with highschool students, based on newspaper articles, personal family memories and archive letters.

Documentary theatre project devised with highschool students, based on newspaper articles, personal family memories and archive letters.

A labyrinth theatre performance in Saint Basil Highschool of Blaj, reviving moments of the Great War. Veronica Isailă welcomes the guests.

Students and visitors dancing one more time before the war breaks.

a reading
2012: Marriages by Strindberg – reading performance
National Theatre Festival,
August Strindberg – 100 year of reinterpretation
with Cristian Iacob, Gabriela Iacob, Anca Androne, Vlad Logican, Ioan Mihai Cortea, Elena Paun
and the participation of Francesco Agnello
and children from the School for visually impaired
directed by Ana Boariu
a UNITER production with the support of AFCN

Gabriela Iacob and Francesco Agnello

Anca Androne end Vlad Logican

Ioan Mihai Cortea and Elena Paun during rehearsals

Gabriela Iacob and Francesco Agnello

the great highway
2011: The great highway by August Strindberg
– a happening
with Marian Râlea, Ioan Mihai Cortea,
Liliana Iorgulescu, Oana Rill
directed by Ana Boariu
a UNITER production with the support of AFCN

vladimir ghika:
a gospel mystery
2008: The adulterous woman
a gospel mistery by Vladimir Ghika
inspired by the Gospel of John
adaptation by Camelia Maxim
with Camelia Maxim, Dan Bădărău, Francesco Agnello
directed by Anca Berlogea (aka Ana Boariu)
costumes Doina Levintza
lights: Paul de Larminat
photography: Florin Costache
project manager: Anca Boariu
a Signis Romania production
in collaboration with A.I.R.C.A.C
with the support of Renovabis Foundation
and ICR – Cantemir Programm

Camelia Maxim La femme adultere, crypte Saint Sulpice 2008

Dan Badarau, La femme adultere, crypte Saint Sulpice 2008

Fin de spectacle a Bruxelles, 2008

Camelia Maxim La femme adultere, crypte Saint Sulpice 2008

memories of journeymen
2003: Memories of journeymen
the Gospel of John
and contemporary testimonies
with Ioana Abur, Anca Androne, Marie Virginie Cambriels, Constantin Cojocaru, Dan Bădărău, Emil Hoștină, Cristian Iacob, Marian Râlea, Aurelie Reygner, Gabriel Spahiu
co-directed by Dragos Galgoțiu and Ana Boariu (Berlogea)
PR coordinators: Vanina Vignal & Maria Morar
accoutant: Carmen Marinescu
location manager: Marie-Virginie Cambriels
project coordinator: Ana Boariu
project manager: Aura Corbeanu
with the support of the Culture 2000 Programme

Cristian Iacob- Puy en Velay

Cristian Iacob- Puy en Velay

one act plays
1990: The condemned's bycicle by Fernando Arrabal
one act play; UNATC (ATF), Bucharest
with Cristian Iacob, Irina Movilă
1990: When we, the dead, will ressurect by Henrik Ibsen
one act play , UNATC (ATF) Bucharest
with Irina Movilă, Florin Piersic jr,
Adriana Moca, Dana Dembinski
exams in second year of theatre studies
professor Dragoș Galgoțiu

Maria 1714
1994: Maria 1714 by Ilie Păunescu
Cultural Centre Mogoșoaia
with Irina Movilă, Cristian Iacob, Gabi Costea, Marian Ghenea, Ionuț Brancu
directed by Anca Berlogea (aka Ana Boariu)

Irina Movila in Maria 1714. Mogosoaia Cultural Centre 1994

Irina Movila in Maria 1714. Mogosoaia Cultural Centre 1994

Irina Movila (Maria), Cristian Iacob (Constantin, Gabriel Costea (Stefan) in Maria 1714. Mogosoaia Cultural Centre, 1994

Irina Movila in Maria 1714. Mogosoaia Cultural Centre 1994

1992: Equus by Peter Shaffer
Cassadra Studio, UNATC, Bucharest
with Cristian Iacob, Irina Movilă, Marian Ghenea, Mihaela Sîrbu, Cristian Moțiu, Lioara Bradu
directed by Anca Berlogea (aka Ana Boariu)
UNITER award for Best theatre school performance
award for best student actor and student directing at the National Theatre Festival I.L.Caragiale